An introductory addictions treatment course for persons entering the addictions field. The class will demonstrate the research support for the client-oriented, counselor-directed models. Covers the history of addictions treatment and emphasizes the current research for counseling models demonstrating empirical support.
20 student maximum
14 hours/2 days
Required for Colorado CAC Level I, II, III, also valid for CEU's in New Mexico
The purpose of this course is to train new counselors in the theoretical rationale and application of current standards for client record keeping. Emphasis is on preparing treatment plans, progress notes, treatment plan updates and discharge summary.
20 student maximum
14 hours/2 days
Required for Colorado CAC Level I, II, III, also valid for CEU's in New Mexico
Didactic and experiential counseling skills development class. Presents the latest research based counseling skills. This course provides the opportunity to practice the skills, view video playback of practice sessions, to give and receive feedback with other students. A standardized level of counseling skills is required to demonstrate proficiency.
8 student maximum ( an interactive, demanding class)
21 hours/3 days
Required for Colorado CAC Level I, II, III, also valid for CEU's in New Mexico
Research-based information relating to the connections between emotional experience, the brain & addiction, and the clinical significance of these connections. This course incorporates a multi-media style, leveraging video clips, animated displays of neurochemistry, and experiential activities to reach participants with a variety of learning styles.
20 student maximum
14 hours/2 days
Elective for Colorado CAC Level II & III, also valid for CEU's in New Mexico
Impact on Child Welfare Series
Family Mental Illness
Interpersonal Violence
Attachment Issues